Die Suche ergab 1 Treffer

von Ruth
Dienstag 16. Oktober 2007, 06:47
Forum: Ahnenforschung und Genealogie
Thema: Boehme (Bohme) in Wachstedt, Heuthen
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 11604

Boehme (Bohme) in Wachstedt, Heuthen

Hello. I live in the United States. I am hoping someone on this list can help me. I need to confirm that my ancestors, the Boehmes, were born in the Eichsfeld area. Katherina Boehme was born, I believe, in Wachstedt, on October 31, 1864, her brother Christ Boehme was born September 8, 1852 and her o...